Welcome to the press area of the LutheMuseen!
Here we provide journalists, bloggers and multipliers with all current media information and documents. If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to contact us.
Visiting our museums and special exhibitions is free of charge if you present a valid press card at the museum box office. Journalists, bloggers and multipliers without a press card are requested to contact us before their planned visit.
The use of press photos provided is free of charge within the current reporting and under mention of the named copyright information. If you would like to conduct an interview with one of our employees in the process of your press work, please contact us to make an appointment.
Katharina Bautz
Lutherstraße 29
06343 Mansfeld-Lutherstadt
T. +49 (0)34782 9193 810
You are welcome to use the LutherMuseen logo for advertising purposes.

Stiftung Luthergedenkstätten in Sachsen-Anhalt
in colour

Stiftung Luthergedenkstätten in Sachsen-Anhalt
Photography and filming is permitted in the museums; however, we ask that you obtain authorization from the Foundation’s press office. This excludes daily reports.
You can find an application for a filming/photography permit below. Please download and complete the form. You may be charged a fee for the filming/photography permit depending on the reason for the permit.
We ask that you make sure that you do not disrupt the daily activities of our museum when taking photographs or filming. Please show consideration for our visitors and guided tours as well as the historical features in our houses.
Photography/filming sessions can also take place outside of museum opening hours on request and for a fee.
The objects displayed in our museums are largely originals and are sensitive to light. Therefore, photography and filming should take place with as little light as possible (preferably with a cold light source). If you wish to take close-ups of individual items, please contact the press office first.
Thank you for your understanding and we look forward to working with you.
If you need illustrations or photos from our archive, we will be happy to provide them in the requested form. Please contact for your request Gabi Protzmann (